Sunday 30 December 2018

The Dark Knight Rises 2012

The third in the trilogy of Christopher Nolan Batman films has a couple of miniature sequences in it supervised by Ian Hunter of New deal Studios.

In the spectacular opening sequence an Embraer twin turbo prop aircraft is captured by cables from a C130 Hercules aircraft causing it to tip over and break off its wings. While the C130 was a real aircraft photographed flying over Scottish mountains the tilting Embraer element was a large scale miniature, shot outside against a big green screen. The tipping action was actuated by air rams and cables and the camera was motion controlled with a move that matched the original live action aerial shot. Two copies of the aircraft were built for contingencies.

The model was then used for the shearing off of the wings and tail. The wings and tail section were pre-scored and shattered by primer cord without any flash or flame as they were supposed to break not explode. Cables were attached to the wing sections to pull them away as they broke with the added assistance of a wind machine. The footage was shot at around 72 frames per second with all the co-ordinated ram, cable and explosives action controlled by a digital timing and triggering box.

This sequence is very well done with no indication that what you are seeing was a visual effect. The control surfaces on the wings flutter violently before the wings break contributing to the realism of the shot.

A prop auction site has pictures of what's left of the Embraer model.

The other sequence that used a miniature was when the villain explodes the ceiling of his lair to gain access to Batman's secret armory. A large miniature of what was the back wall and roof of the large live action set was constructed which when blown dropped a 1/3rd scale camouflage painted Tumbler down to the floor.


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